Monday, May 19, 2008

Is "Expectation" the CULPRIT???:)

I dislike people who are negative.......sad part is that I encounter such people atleast once in a day,though i try my level best to avoid them...they have a quality of depressing everyone around them...such people scare me!!!
The other day I met my neighbour,every time I meet her, she broods about her family, her children, her job etc etc...the list is endless.......i always think to myself how does her hubby tolerate her!!!
I always try to ponder stuff from grassroot level and i feel person gets frustrated when they expect a lot from someone....if you look around people are expecting something or the other...its a vicious cycle
To me

Expectation is Inversely proportional to Happiness
Some common expectations are

  • Parents expect kids to take care of them
  • Kids expect parents to look after their children
  • Wife expects husband to take care of her and the family by having agood income
  • Husband expects wife to raise children in a good manner and if possible bring some moolah for them as well
  • Parents expect children to score cent percent intheir exams
  • Children expect to receive playstations as their b'day gifts
  • MIL(mother-in-law) expects the daughter-in-law to get loads and loads of money into the family
  • DIL(daughter-in-law) expects to stay away fromherin-laws so as to live a peaceful and happy life
  • Younger siblings expect elder brother/sisters to sponsor their education
  • Elder siblings expect younger ones to listen to them religiously

The list is endless..............

As for my neighour I guess she expects a lot from life:)....
Sometimes I feel that each and every thought of a human being erupts with an expectation
I really dont know what I wrote makes sense or not but I feel much better:)
Expect less Gain more happiness!!!:)