Saturday, January 28, 2012

To Quit or not?

I have been thinking of switching for sometime and finally have made the decision
I have been working in worlds top MNC, its a brand which is famous across the world and known to almost everyone!
I have been here for two years now, am in a very responsible position, as the numbers which I publish is considered as final market share...its great because even the CEO of such a firm looks forward to my mails
But honestly, I don't enjoy a bit, experience wise, its been great but at the end of the day, I don't have any emotional connect to the firm and mua being an emotional person, feel that any employee should have an emotional connect as that motivates him/her to work better!
Maximum time is spent on meetings as there are number of agencies to work for each project
Anyways coming back...I have been toying with this idea of quitting for sometime
I have been tired of the dialogue-"how can you think of quitting such a firm?
To everyone, they see the rosy pictures like the brand name,the flexibility of working from home,the perks etc
But issue is that my work starts @6AM and ends at 11PM...I am not exaggerating
Even though I am at home, I am always in calls
And I have to go to office when there are meetings, funny part is that there are atleast 3 full day meetings in a week and during those days, when I go to office, I reach office at 9AM and come back by 12 PM
Last one year, I have hardly spent time with my little one...I am on full day meetings even during weekends
I genuinely don't think that for a brand name, one should compromise with life and hence have finally taken the step
I am in state where right now brand name has no value, all I want to do is have a life!
Am I asking for too much? I am a simple person with small wishes..when I die, I just want to be remembered as a wonderful wife, mom,daughter,daughter-in-law,relative,friend and human being!
When I die, no-one will remember me as the person who had made that great presentation hehehe :)
I am so thankful that God brought clarity into my life and I took the decision of quitting!
Thankfully "A" is also fine with my decision but convincing my parents and in-laws was the tough part...but I have been always like this...
I have always made my own decisions in life coz I believe that we just have one life, and we should be responsible for our actions, we should never blame anyone else for the situation we are in :)

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